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Éric Fougère

Éric Fougère began his research on insularity with a thesis named “The voyages and the anchorage, insular space in the classical age” – Les Voyages et l’ancrage, espace insulaire à l’âge classique, in the original – (L’Harmattan, 1995) before defending an Habilitation thesis to direct research from which three works emerged: “The Penalty in literature and the prison in its history, solitude and servitude” – La Peine en littérature et la prison dans son histoire, solitude et servitude, in the original – (L’Harmattan, 2001), “The Great Book of the penal colony in Guyana and New Caledonia” – Le Grand Livre du bagne en Guyane et Nouvelle-Calédonie (Orphie, 2002), “Island-prison, penal colony and deportation” – Île-prison, bagne et déportation, in the original – L’Harmattan, 2002). His work has continued in two directions: literary (among others “Islands and beacons, scales in insular literature” – Île et balises, escales en littérature insulaire, in the original – 2004; “Literature to the taste of the world, space and reality” – La littérature au gré du monde, espace et réalité, in the original – (2011…), historical, (“The unwanted in the Désirade, history of the deportation of bad subjects” – Des indésirables à la Désirade, histoire de déportation de mauvais sujets, in the original – 2008; “The colonial prison in Guadeloupe” – La Prison coloniale en Guadeloupe, in the original – 2010; “The sick islands” – Les îles malades, in the original – 2018…). He runs an “Islands” collection, Des îles, in the original, at Pétra editions.