
Representations – forms of representation of the island, as archetype and historical condition

Image author: Salvador Freitas

What is represented when an island is represented? How to approach the representation of the island status taking into account the origin of the voices that represent it? What is there in common between the various voices? And what is different among them?
Always used as a symbol, the islands are also a source of inspiration for the myriad of ways in which, in the adventure of understanding the world (and understanding themselves in the world), human beings represent it. In this sense, this category catalogues and reflects on the poetic and poietic ramifications of the insularity phenomenon.
A common element in several creation myths, as well as an inter-art archetype, islands and insularity are, in many cases, simultaneously places of departure and arrival, of reflection on the materiality and historicity of what is insular. This category thus aims to reflect on the forms that the representation of the island takes, both as an archetype and as a historical condition.